Thierry Alexandre
Life Artiste

(Videos and Photographs below)
Timebomb Theatre is a multimedia, genre defying theatrical company delivering cathartic, otherworldly, avant garde interventions to 21st century audiences. Performance art, poetry, music and Butoh dance fuse to create works deeply concerned with the Earth, Humanity, Spirit and how to heal the rift between these through intense presence, communication and personal commitment.
"Timebomb Theatre is assuredly becoming a force of nature when it comes to the world of experimental contemporary dance. Their stage presence pulses with vitality and purpose, exploring a panoply of passions, whether delivered in a stark and sharp way addressing the moment, or languidly and purposefully, defying time to pass. Indeed in some segments they seem to control it.
Their movements literally carve sculptural shapes in the precisely controlled landscape, and the intent is direct and clear - to invite the audience to imagine being part of the vision.
It is clear to anyone who has read Isadora Duncan's 'My Life' how important dance is to Thierry Alexandre..
Dance is indeed, their life."
Robin Dutt
Critique, Author, Lecturer.
Earth Shutdown
Performers: Thierry Alexandre, Genevieve Davis, James Crawley, Brendan Curtis Burton, Mishaak Salansky
(2019, Queer spirit Festival, UK)
Earth Requiem
Performers: Thierry Alexandre, Lara Buffard, Celeste Combes, Bianca Costiug. Musician: Tom Milsom. Photography: Lidia Ravviso, Richard Kaby
(2019, Ecoqueer, Cuntemporary, London)
Rhino Requiem
Performers: Thierry Alexandre, Arnaud Methivier. Musicians: Arnaud Methivier, Alex Fear. Photography: Rita Ruggeri, Lara Buffard, Christelle Methivier.
(2018, Hampstead Heath, London,)
Otherworlds and Beyond
Performers: Thierry Alexandre, Lara Buffard, Margaret Dewes, Diane Pacitti, Anna Caro, Tatiana Collet Apraxine,Marny Godden, Michelle Masden. Musicians: Tom Milsom, Franck Alba, Robin Baldock.
Photography: Alexander Blair, Richard Kaby
(2018, Chisenhale Dance Space, London)
It was incredible! So many powerful images in my mind, you are transfixing! what a performance my god!
(Nina Conti, Puppeteer Comedian)
Extra Ordinary
Bringing out the extra in our terrestrial !
(Gail Porter, Public Figure)
Akin to falling into the garden of Earthly delights painted by Bosch.
(Holly Penfield, singer songwriter)
Timebomb Mother with your tentacles enveloping us close and tight. Loved it! Mesmerising and heartachey your words haunting, image, concept, music and the time shifting pace and your mercurial grace spellbinding. Powerful & enveloping.
(Serge Rizzler, Therapist)
Thank you for making me part of such a moving, mind-blowing event. Everything and everyone was stunning and especially you: vulnerability and passion translated into movement.
(Diane Pacitti, poet)
It was a pleasure and a honour to have the privilege to partake in a unique experience, with such artists and technicians.
Thank you for allowing me to participate. Loved it. It was amazing
(Rosey Walbancke, Costume Artist and Craftsman)
Marvellous visions, energies and team work. A collection of great artists and beautiful human beings resulting in an explosive cocktail!
(Lara Buffard, performer and producer)
Better than Ketamine
I really enjoyed the performance - moments of visual delights - i got lost in the music, in the moment - the intensity of your presence and the mesmerising beauty of the movement.
(Dominique Rivoal, dancer choreographer)
This was an extraordinary experience - simply mesmeric and thought-provoking in the extreme. Such a panoply of talents and a command of the stage and word which is undeniably so beautiful, moving and efficacious. Well done, my Princes of Performance.
(Robin Dutt, critrique, author, lecturer)
Thank you for this wonderful experience and opportunity to create and work with you! So much respect for the artists and their humanity!
(Margaret Dewes, physical performer)
Mind blowing talent and artistry
(Keirion Carrol, Charity director)
Magical, mesmerizing performance, haunting live music, spectacular costumes and lighting made for a unique, intense, theatrical experience, drawing on slow-motion Butoh dance, to explore the great themes of creation, birth, grief, isolation, love and re-birth.
(Alexander Blair, photographer)